Cybersecurity, Technology, and Society Project

SCADA Systems
Cybersecurity Assessment
I explored my experience with CYSE200T, a course on cybersecurity, technology, and society. This course met my initial expectations and allowed me to gain a solid understanding of various topics, including CIA Triad, common threats, managing enterprise risk, the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, biological science and cybersecurity, computer science in cybersecurity, engineering and critical infrastructure, cybercrime, and philosophical aspects of cybersecurity.
To delve deeper into one specific topic that resonated with me, SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition). I found SCADA interesting and had fun learning about its systems, controllers, users, interfaces, and associated issues. My enthusiasm led me to engage in further research on specific issues and challenges in SCADA systems.
In addition, this project allowed me to learn about SCADA systems, which are used to control and monitor critical infrastructure processes. I practiced my skills of understanding technical terms, such as PLC, RTU, and HMI, and how they work together in a SCADA system.
I also demonstrated my ability to identify the security issues and challenges that SCADA systems face, such as unauthorized access, packet manipulation, and cyberattacks